Hey Friends! Im Shelly Šuš, welcome to my very first blog post! I’m absolutely THRILLED you are here! As you have seen, I am a motherhood vlogger on YouTube and I am here to share all the homemaking things with other Mamas and Homemakers to inspire you to bring a little magic to your homes. I strive everyday to make my kids’ lives as magical as possible and I am determined to create amazing core memories for them. My goal with this website is to have a space for you to come for ideas. I am a super-planner and a research junkie and I am here to help take the arduous work away, packaging things up in a post where you can find exactly what you need when you need it.
On my site, you are going to find inspiration for holiday decorating, activities for toddlers and gift ideas. I can also show you how to plan a party, a trip, or create a meal plan and I love to include a special cocktail to go along with each occasion. As a stay-at-home mom, I am always looking for a great bargain to get the most out of my money. I will share tips and tricks with you for when and how to shop for deals so you too, can get the most bang for your buck.
Organization could absolutely be one of my love languages and as a person who lives in a small space, I have figured out all of the clever tools to keep on top of messes. I will show you the best products to control your chaos as well as help you find reasonable solutions to declutter your home.
Using clean products for my family is something that is super important to me, so there will also be links to the ones that are tried and true. I am constantly updating my Amazon Storefront to make sure you will have easy access to the best products for your family too. I am a huge believer in the power of essential oils and can show you how I use them in my life as homeopathic remedies.
Looking for the perfect books to teach your littles about a certain subject? I have composed extensive lists to guide you in the right direction. I believe that books are the absolute best teaching tools when it comes to guiding tiny humans. Whether it is a tough to talk about subject or learning about the meaning of a certain holiday, there is always a book to help explain it in an age-appropriate way.
So, Friends, welcome! I cannot wait to share more about all the things I mentioned above, as well as SO MUCH more! I look forward to teaching you the tips and tricks that I have learned in the last 4 years of being a Mama. If I have made even one thing a little bit easier for you in this chaotic whirlwind of motherhood, then I have absolutely done my job!
I’ll catch up with you soon. Byeee